PR 2025 R1 - Classics (7th - 13th Feb) has started Discuss
SM 2025 R1 - Standard & Converse (14th - 20th Feb) Discuss
Sudoku Mahabharat 2025
Puzzle Ramayan 2025

Shashidhar Bilagi

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Real name Shashidhar Bilagi
Puzzle Blog
Country India
Date registered2014-07-28 12:09 AM
Last logon2024-11-17 7:47 PM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 539 213.6385 333 307.4762 History

Sudoku Ratings HistoryRatingsRank
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 213.6385 539
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 200.4752 577
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 165.6107 617
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 152.644 631
Standard (SM 2021) 62.60706 692
Lockdown Sudoku Test 62.60589 611
Quinze 2 62.60589 600
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 69.65015 595
Mean Minis 69.65015 592
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 76.06953 590
Math (SM2020) 104.081 553
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 150.1724 495
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 198.4968 438
Standard (SM 2020) 197.1903 421
Quinze 203.3041 338
Pentakaideca 210.2511 333
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 218.4791 362
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 219.7505 376
Math (SM 19) 228.361 377
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 236.5897 366
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 256.8001 351
Standard (SM 19) 263.1065 353
Deja Vu 215.5225 415
Enthralling Sudoku 290.8297 349
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 18) 293.563 356
Math (SM 18) 295.431 353
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 307.1228 351
R19 - WSC Playoffs 302.6113 355
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 307.4762 366
Standard (SM 18) 303.7884 385
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 302.3032 386
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 274.5948 401
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 285.776 397
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 285.776 367
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 298.0621 345
Wacky Slovak Classics 98.53904 527
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 163.1286 474
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) 194.7527 447
Triplets & Triangles 197.8064 448
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 238.6499 424
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 242.4932 419
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 263.7169 396
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 250.6388 415
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 262.476 412
Neighbours Variations (SM 15/16) 265.3226 405
Standard Variations (SM 15/16) 262.5507 401
Unlucky 13 265.0688 382
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 262.7662 383
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 268.3821 374
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 263.8732 369
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 269.3688 383
Sudoku Surprise 213.6377 490
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 212.9733 525
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 95.18622 723
Indian ChampionshipsOfficial Rankshashidharbilagi's ScoreMax (Official) Score
Indian Sudoku Championship 2015 81 195 1369.6
Puzzle Testshashidharbilagi's Rankshashidharbilagi's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) 252 0 156.1
Sudoku Testshashidharbilagi's Rankshashidharbilagi's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R1 (Standard & Irregular) 321 23 0
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 300 17 126.7 262 213 249 1
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 327 14 121.783 233 183 221 1
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 347 10 136.25 139 126 136 1
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 397 17.6 140.617 259 254 258 0.8
Standard (SM 2020) 397 17.8 157.367 162 103 147
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 240 13 137.517 152 119 144
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 209 26 148.467 258 182 239
Standard (SM 19) 169 34.7 147.383 347 314 339
Deja Vu 112 20 146.817 169 126 159
Standard (SM 18) 203 30 157.1 289 292 290
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 211 26 143.6 294 237 280
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 307 14 141.283 179 146 171
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 137 52 151.533 500 502 500
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 260 19 136.083 223 165 209
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 229 28 156.467 264 230 256
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 233 31 153.933 245 214 237
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 226 28.3 151.45 337 250 315
Sudoku Surprise 198 0 1810.33
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 238 27 145.167 365 289 346
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 276 19 150.05 184 92 161

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0
Beginners' Sudokushashidharbilagi's Rankshashidharbilagi's ScoreTest Max Score
July 2014 230 45.12 122.38