Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024


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Real name RainMan
Puzzle Blog
Country Nepal
Date registered2017-01-07 7:33 AM
Last logon2023-03-18 8:01 AM
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LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 513 59.22231 513 59.22231 History

Puzzle Testsudokid's Ranksudokid's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2023R4 (NP & OP) 258 12.5 128.967 118 46 100 1
Sudoku Testsudokid's Ranksudokid's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 99 56 128.417 595 714 625
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 206 20 147 206 69 172
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 122 50.7 152.317 469 478 472
Math (SM 19) 267 0 129.033
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 181 34 141.1 340 275 324
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 52 66.9 131.3 644 796 682
Standard (SM 18) 36 118.733 157.1 818 877 832
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 134 45.7 143.6 508 515 509
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 70 88 150.3 667 733 683
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 218 34 139.05 486 354 453
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 392 0 141.283
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 66 83.1 151.533 656 760 682

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0