Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Antonio Victor Cavalcanti e Silva

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Real name Antonio Victor Cavalcanti e Silva
Puzzle Blog
Country Brazil
Date registered2022-02-13 10:25 PM
Last logon2024-04-27 7:53 AM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 393 188.8006 393 188.8006 History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 383 334.6702 344 382.6428 History

Puzzle Testnemideia's Ranknemideia's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R4 (Word & OP) 234 23 0
2024R1 (Classics) 246 28.8 0
2023R6 (Regions & Loops) 198 25.2 137.983 248 169 228 1
2023R5 (Casual & Word) 236 10.5 107.517 119 81 110 1
2023R3 (Shading & MII) 242 13 134.45 147 109 138 0.8
2023R2 (Evergreens & Rule Pool) 239 24 127.767 302 252 290 0.8
2022R1 (Classics) 298 33.5 143.133
Sudoku Testnemideia's Ranknemideia's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 343 5 0
2024R1 (Standard & Irregular) 364 15 0
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 276 21 126.7 323 272 310 1
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 343 12 121.783 200 141 185 1
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 162 43 136.25 535 588 548 1
2022R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 305 8.8 142.533 98 60 88 0.7
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 262 34 140.617 500 502 500 0.8

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0